Solving Disconnection & Creating Connected Relationships (for Couples & Parents)
Is it possible to solve the disconnection issues in your relationship? This podcast will explore how to solve it, but here's a hint: it takes ongoing work.
The good news is that when we know how to have a harmonious and connected relationship, it feels good and can motivate us to keep doing it.
This podcast is for couples and parents. We explore how to help you have a strong relationship with your partner and your kids if you have them.
Jason A. Polk is a relationship therapist and a Clini-Coach® based in Denver, CO. He loves helping couples have more connection through this podcast and individualized marriage retreats and couples intensives.
He's a father of two young daughters and has helped couples for over ten years. He believes we can simultaneously have a healthy relationship and be great parents.
63: What Is the Purpose of Marriage?
62: 10 Tips to Fix Your Relationship and Get Back on the Right Track
61: Relationship lessons from Dr. Laura Louis
60: From Emotional to Sexual Intimacy: A Guide for Males (and Couples)
59: How to Fall Back in Love With Your Partner
58: What are psychological boundaries and what do they mean for you?
57: Let's talk about mess, do you think your partner is sloppy?
56: 4 Things That Can Save Your Marriage
55: What is a Couples Intensive aka Marriage Retreat?
54: What Does It Mean To Date Forever? Interview with Sammi & Nate Jaeger
53: Let's Talk About Sex, Substance Abuse, and Safety. Interview With Matt Salis
52: You Can Be Right, Or You Can Be Married
51: Having More Sex: Acceptance Vs Control
50: What is the first and second consciousness in your relationship? With Kayla Crane, LMFT
49: A Quick Exercise for Cultivating Appreciation and Gratitude
48: What is a foundational relationship tool, that’s not really a tool?
47: What is Playful Parenting & How You Can Have More Fun Being a Parent? With Meghan Englert
46: 4 Things To Do When Your Relationship Is Falling Apart
45: A Tool For Couples That Fight A Lot
44: How Does Self-Intimacy Help With Sexual Desire Discrepancies? With Nicole Colleen
43: What kills love? How can you repair that? with Cheri Timko
42: Parenting Kids With Special Needs with Anouk Briere-Godbout
41: What is the Easiest and Best Thing You Can Do For Your Relationship?
40: Finding Time For the Relationship, Is That Possible?
39: Agreements, Resentment & Sex: A conversation with Kara Hoppe, author of Baby Bomb!